Buse Kaçar
All About Emotions

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
In response to Feb 2023's devastating 7.8 earthquake in Turkey, moritoys and experts created a free downloadable game to help children build emotional regulation and lifelong coping skills. My role as an illustrator was pivotal in crafting visuals that were both comforting and communicative, ensuring that the game was not only functional but also empathetically resonant with the young users.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
All of the illustrations were first sketched out on paper, then transferred to digital on Procreate.

How were your illustrations used:
My illustrations, which include 4 reflective exercises and 30 coping skills cards, aid children in emotional understanding and regulation. With over 5000 downloads and adoption by leading NGOs, the game's success spurred the creation of a printed English version for preschoolers' emotional development, now available commercially.

Commissioner Name :
Aslı Sepil
Commissioner Company :

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Yeditepe University

Currently Based:

Buse Kaçar is a freelance illustrator who received her Bachelors in Plastic Arts and Painting. Her work has been mainly focused on children’s games, editorial illustrations and graphic recording. She aims to evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth through the colors and style that she uses in her work which often includes crowded scenes that celebrate diversity.
