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2024 | Longlist | Publishing
  • Why did you create this work?
    Chronos Express is 1 of the 15 graphic novels chosen to be funded by the Hong Kong Comics Support Program. This is my first long, plot-driven comic. The story is inspired by a depressing period in my youth filled with anxiety about the inevitability of time passing and mortality, and then I eventually learned to embrace loss. I wanted to share my experience so to help others.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    All artwork is compiled into a 168-page printed graphic novel. Some pages were printed in larger sizes for exhibition.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    I drew the rough thumbnails with pencil on paper, and then completed all artwork digitally using Procreate on IPad Pro. I used customised brushes for the line art.
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Commissioner Company
    HK Comics Support Programme
  • Commissioner Instagram
  • Agent
    Astound US
  • Agent Instagram
  • College / University
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (bachelor), The Academy of Art University (master)
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    Bonnie is an illustrator and comic artist from Hong Kong. After obtaining a Master’s degree in Fine Arts at the Academy of Art University, she was represented by Astound Agency and began illustrating children's books internationally. Bonnie also creates comics including Roar Street Journal, IT Guy & Art Girl, and Chronos Express (Silver award in Japan International Manga Award).
  • Where are you currently based?
    Hong Kong
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