Ayesha Rana
Tiling in Wormiverse


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
A series for 36 days of type, 'Tiling in Wormiverse’ intricately weaves patterned tiles into a tapestry of alphabets and numbers, unveiling a chaotic yet mesmerizing fusion of typography and illustration. It pays tribute to the whimsical realm inhabited by worms and celebrates it with a ceaseless explosion of colors.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
It's a digital illustration created using Adobe Illustrator's 3D feature.

How were your illustrations used:
An unpublished series used for self promotion, this project was an opportunity to develop my artistic style and participate in an international series for type and illustration.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United States of America (USA)

Based out of San Francisco, Ayesha Rana is an independent visual artist. Her work is colorful, vibrant and exhibits her absolute love for worms in digital, analog and spatial mediums. These worms represent the curiosity and wonder she carries since her younger years. Whether it was their physical form, patterns or movement, that fascination remains paramount to this day.
