Astrid Vandendael
Jub and his tear

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Tears are often seen as a very negative emotion.But is crying really that negative? Sometimes, it can be liberating. That’s why we started to explore all the different aspects of a tear in this book. sometimes they appear due to cutting an onion or are they tears of joy With this book, we hope to discuss our so-called 'negative' emotions in a refreshing way. Because all emotions deserve a place.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
The illustrations in the book were created using a limited selection of materials: pencil, tape, colored pencils, and ink. These illustrations were entirely crafted by hand, without any digital processing. The color palette is subtle, featuring soft tones, which adds a unique atmosphere to the illustrations.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations where created and form an integral part of this children's book. This read-aloud book consciously played with the interplay between images and text. The aim was to ensure that the illustrations and text are not separate entities but rather complement each other. The one does not work without the other. This enriches the reading experience with a beautiful fusion of both elements.

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KASK, School of arts

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Astrid Vandendael is a young illustrator from Belgium. Her illustrations are characterized by her distinctive lines and innocent, round figures searching for their place in their surroundings. They attempt to comprehend the world around them but rarely succeed. Pencil and colored pencil are often the primary materials she reaches for when starting her work.
