Ania Kropla Malinowska
"Il Giardino dei bambini storti"

Illustrations for the book "The garden of croocked children"


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I created this work as a project during the master of illustration at the Ars in Fabula school in Italy. During the master's, I worked all year on a text commissioned by a publishing house. At the end of the course, the publishing house Bakemono Lab decided to publish the project. The book was published in Italy in December 2023.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I used traditional materials, oil colors applied with a sponge roller, pencils, pastels, and ink.
I collaged scanned elements in Photoshop.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations were made for the story written by another author and were supposed to accompany the story. The illustrations were used in the book as the internal spreads and also for the cover.

Commissioner Name :
Pubblishing house Bakemono Lab, Rome
Commissioner Company :
Pubblishing house Bakemono Lab, Rome

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Ars in Fabula, Accademy of Fine Arts in Macerata, Italy

Currently Based:

I am a freelance illustrator and graphic designer, originally from Poland, and now based in Italy. I recently graduated from the Ars in Fabula academic Master of the first level in Book Illustration. I also studied Theology in Poland. Clients: Bakemono Lab, Gart, La Galvanina
