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2024 | Longlist | Children's Publishing
  • pronoun
  • Why did you create this work?
    Noticing how diametrically opposed in lots of aspect my cats were was very intriguing to me: from eating habits to voice levels, all the way through curiosity and water drinking preferences. Reflecting on how they learned to peacefully share a space and realizing that even with their differences they had lots of things in common made me reflect on cohabitation, in a more general and abstract way.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    I love working with the format as an important tool of communication. As a challenge, and to make the best of the book format, I decided to tell this story only through pictures. For that, I turned the cats into a contrasting duotone (blue and red) and used that alongside the page composition to keep them apart in their differences and, slowly, make them grow together in their shared interests.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    The digitally created solid colours are broken up with analog textures I created myself that were then digitally worked into a monotone collage for each colour. This ensures that the book retains a tactile quality that purely digital work usually lacks. I wanted to emulate printing techniques for the colour palette by seizing the "multiplying" effect present in risography for example.
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    Ane is a queer spanish illustrator in love with witty visual communication and puns. Their work is full of bold colours and simple shapes to communicate ideas in a clear, bright and graphic way. With a career in Creation and Design and a postgraduate in Editorial Illustration, they currently work for editorial clients worldwide, taking naps when needed, petting their cats and snacking often.
  • Where are you currently based?
Ane ArzelusAneArzelus_BetterAlone_image1
Ane ArzelusAneArzelus_BetterAlone_image2
Ane ArzelusAneArzelus_BetterAlone_image3
Ane ArzelusAneArzelus_BetterAlone_image4
Ane ArzelusAneArzelus_BetterAlone_image5