Andreea Moise
The Lancet HIV Cover Illustrations 2023

A selection from 12 cover illustrations created in 2023 for The Lancet HIV journal

Science & Technology

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
In 2022, I won The Lancet HIV cover art contest, enabling me to illustrate all their 2023 covers. Monthly briefs focused on vital topics such as the HIV medicine crisis among Venezuelan refugees in Colombia, the brain age gap in HIV patients, treatment-as-prevention reducing HIV incidence, antiretroviral medicine and cardiovascular events, as well as HIV-related central nervous system infections.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I always start with sketches on paper. The final illustrations are a mix of scanned, hand-made textures and digital brushes.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations were published on the cover of The Lancet HIV, a world-leading medical journal focusing on HIV research.

Commissioner Name :
Richard Henderson / Peter Hayward
Commissioner Company :
Elsevier / The Lancet HIV

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Andreea Moise is a Romanian illustrator who focuses on editorial illustration and self-discovery. She’s interested in finding the visual essence of ideas, like a haiku writer. In her personal work, she’s an explorer, playing with collage, watercolour, gouache, ink or a combination of them. Her illustrations are sometimes a form of introspection, other times celebrations of the external world.
