Alxndra Cook
Momotekku, A futuristic-fantasy graphic novel.

An anthology submission promoted to a 100 page novel published with Koguchi Press.


Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Book Cover/s, Experimentation, Whole book design

How did you make this work:
Koguchi Press got in touch with me about an anthology they were putting together and asked if I could pitch a contribution. I got a bit carried away with my story idea and so they suggested to do a full book project. I wanted to create a story that reflected personal self discovery on renewed sisterhood, loss, grief and self acceptance under the guise of a more mythological-fantasy setting.

Commissioner Name :
Mitch Proctor
Commissioner Company :
Koguchi Press

Social Media:

Personal Website: or

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Freelance illustrator, textiles designer and comics artist based in London. Fashion graduate of CSM and LCF. Having originally worked in the fashion industry after university, designing print and knit patterns for designer Sabinna, they now run their own freelance business and brand selling printed silk scarves, working on client commissions, vlogging and creating comics.

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