Alé Mercado
The Masque of the Red Death

Folio Book Illustration Award 2022 - Longlist


Un-commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Experimentation, Self Promotion/portfolio

How did you make this work:
I want to get into book illustration so I decided to enter the Folio Book Illustration Award in 2022. The idea was to both push my illustration work and try and see if I got noticed. The image was longlisted along with another 19 works.
In terms of image, I wanted to highlight the decadence of Prince Prospero and the continuous Masquerade in his locked-down extravagant castle.

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Currently Based:

I am a Spanish illustrator living in Ireland. After 15+ years working as an illustrator, I decided to refocus and move exclusively to the areas I really enjoy: book illustration, graphic novels and poster art. It's still in progress but I think I'm on the right path.

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