2021 | Longlist | Design Product & Packaging
- Was this project commissioned?
Commissioned - Commissioner Name
Mark Brooks. Art director and designer - Commissioner Company
Adobe - Who was the work commissioned for?
Mark Brooks, art director and designer of fisrt virtual Adobe 99U Conference - College / University
Escola D'art i Superior de Disseny Illes Balears - Personal Website or Portfolio Link
- Instagram
@alademoscaestudi - Biography
Joanmiquel Bennasar Mas (alademosca) is an illustrator from Mallorca, Balearic Islands.
He studied illustration in “Escola D’art i Superior de Disseny” Illes Balears in 2001.
Since then, he has worked in illustration projects for editorials, advertising agencies, design studios and museums.
He has been awarding with “Premi Junceda d’Il·lustració” in 2009, 2011 and 2019. - Where are you currently based?
Spain - Where did you hear about the competition?
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