Afan Zeng


Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
The inspiration behind this work from the censorship system in my country. There are numerous news stories that I simply cannot access on social media platforms. I feel like we are isolated on a planet, unable to hear, unable to speak, and unable to see because it's not allowed. The frustration fuels my creative drive. That's why I decided to produce this animation.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I used Procreate for the illustration and Clip Studio for cel animation.

How were your illustrations used:
It's personal work, I posted it on Instagram and my website.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

MIVC AKV St. Joost School of Art & Design

Currently Based:

Afan Zeng is a Netherlands-based illustrator and animator from China. She loves creating fantasy worlds inspired by my emotions and senses, where she conjures characters that do not exist in reality. She has experience in making illustrations for advertising campaigns, packaging, editorial and also created animations in collaboration with other studios.
