George Fox is shortlisted for the project Don’t Mess with Our Home in the WIA2021 Professional Editorial Category sponsored by Procreate. Find out more about George and his shortlisted project:
What’s your favourite thing about your shortlisted project?
We are at such a crossroads of the impact human activity is having on the fragile environment in which we live. My favourite thing about this project is that this has been recognised by the judges, helping to bring the issues to the pubic view. Thank you.
What materials did you use?
Uni-pin fine liners 0.05mm.
What processes did you use?
Huge research into the issues, speaking to experts and finding out what concerns are relevant. I then apply this to the subject and and try to bring to life with illustration. All my illustrations come to life with Augmented Reality.
How long did it take?
6 weeks.
Why did you choose to enter this work?
It’s such an important subject and I’m passionate about bringing the issues to the public eye.
What are your plans for the future?
A series of 24 animals, working with 24 conservationists.
What is your dream commission?
A journey of evolution of the animal kingdom from day 1 until year 10,000. Wow… what a creation that would be for The Natural History Museum!
If you could work for/with anyone who would it be?
If he were still alive, the incredible Heath Robinson.
What is your best tip for other illustrators?
Pick up your pen. Even if you’re lacking mojo on that day, pick up the pen and let your creativity start by drawing.
What’s your favourite thing to draw?
Mechanical inventions and contraptions that ‘tell a story’.
Does your brain ever sleep?
To be honest I think that my dreams are the best creativity for my illustrations. I love the madness and imaginable creations that my sleeping brain allows me to have… the hard thing is to remember them!