Artificial Intelligence (AI) updates

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This resource is a space for updates around the Artificial Intelligence (AI) situation, including links to campaigns, opinion pieces and more, with the aim to share information.


AOI Our response to Government white paper A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation June 2023 Go here for a summary of our response

AOI AOI AI statement

LBB site: Association of Illustrators: Issues around AI Have Alarmed Creatives Everywhere Feb 2023

AOI: AI Survey Results


European Guild for Artificial Intelligence Regulation (EGAIR) EGAIR represents a group of professionals from the creative field, associations and companies pushing for a European regulation of AI companies:

EGAIR Manifesto – A proposal to regulate AI in EU. Sign the Manifesto ‘protect our art and data from AI companies’

EGAIR fundraiser for EU lobbying to reach the European Institutions and ask for an integration of the AI Act to regulate AI companies and the way they train their AI.

The Center for Artistic Inquiry: Restrict AI Illustration from Publishing: An Open Letter May 2023

Concept Art Association (CAA) are working to enforce AI companies regulations in the US:

CAA fundraiser

Reports and Articles

EGAIR: The EU AI Act has been approved Feb 2024

Dazed: The artists Midjourney allegedly uses to train its AI Jan 2024

The Midjourney List Jan 2024

MIT Technology Review: Nightshade This new data poisoning tool lets artists fight back against generative AI Oct 2023

Parliamentary Committee: Abandon artificial intelligence copyright exemption to protect UK creative industries, MPs say August 2023

Creators’ Rights Alliance (CRA): Artificial Intelligence and Creative Work AOI is a member of CRA May 2023

Creative Boom: Should the world put a pause on AI? April 2023

Sky News: AI art generators face backlash from artists April 2023

The Guardian: Google calls for relaxing of Australia’s copyright laws so AI can mine websites for information April 2023

Grafill/Liz Ramsey: What is going on with AI March 2023

Art Itch: Weekly diaBlog by AOI Member Carcazan and LaSimo responding to AI and artists’ rights, launched in February 2023

The Guardian: AI art replicates inequity at scale. We need to learn about its biases – and outsmart the algorithm Feb 2023

New Yorker: Is A.I. Art Stealing from Artists? Feb 2023

Cornell University: GLAZE: Protecting Artists from Style Mimicry by Text-to-Image Models Feb 2023

European Writers Council: Joint statement from authors’ and performers’ organisations on Artificial Intelligence and the AI Act Feb 2023

PC Gamer: Put a name to the artwork behind AI art with this algorithmically smart tool

Westminster Hall debate: Potential impact of AI on intellectual property rights for creative workers AOI submitted illustrators concerns on AI to debater Sarah Olney MP. Feb 2023

The Guardian: ‘It’s the opposite of art’: why illustrators are furious about AI Jan 2023

My Modern Met Artist Recreates His Own Work With an AI Art Generator Jan 2023

Ars Technica: Paper: Stable Diffusion “memorizes” some images, sparking privacy concerns

Ars Technica: Stability AI plans to let artists opt out of Stable Diffusion 3 image training

Ars Technica: Artists stage mass protest against AI-generated artwork on ArtStation Dec 2022

British Copyright Council: Fair Remuneration in the Time of Text and Data Mining (TDM) Sept 2022

One Zero: Tom Chatfield: There’s no such thing as ‘ethical AI’ 2020

Legal Action

US Class action update Jan 2024

Reuters: AI companies ask U.S. court to dismiss artists’ copyright lawsuit April 2023

The Verge: Getty Images sues AI art generator Stable Diffusion in the US for copyright infringement Feb 2023

Getty: Getty Images taking legal action (in UK) against Stability AI (DreamStudio) Jan 2023

Ars Technica: Three illustrators in US class action against Stability AI, Midjourney och DeviantArt (DreamUp) for copyright infringement, violations of the right of publicity and unlawful competition This has been filed against Stability AI, Midjourney, and DeviantArt by artists alleging these companies have infringed on their copyright due to the use of copyrighted images to train AI art generation tools without the artists’ agreement. Jan 2023

Datasets and tools

Glaze – Cloaking tool that disrupts AI models’ ability to interpret images effectively

Nightshade – transforms images into “poison” samples, ‘so that models training on them without consent will see their models learn unpredictable behaviors that deviate from expected norms.’

Your website terms – we recommend this wording is included as part of your website terms and conditions: Other than strictly as permitted by law you must not carry out on this website or its content any automated data mining, web scraping or other processes for extracting data or images.

LAION-5B database – a dataset of 5,85 billion CLIP-filtered image-text pairs scraped from the internet. New version released 31 March 2023

Have I Been Trained – Search 5.8 billion images used to train popular AI art models. Drag your image in to see if it is part of the dataset.


AI and the Illustration Industry A collaborative event exploring the impact of generative AI on illustration as a career path and the wider creative community, organised by the European Illustrators Forum. Free – registration required. 14 September 2023

AOI Webinar: AI and Illustration. A presentation from lawyers Gabriella Playford and Amelia Maher from Sheridans exploring the use of AI in illustration and its impact on the industry. Free for AOI members (email for details) and £15 General Admission. 19 July 2023

Creators’ Rights Alliance: Artificial Intelligence and Creative Work event for creators to discuss their concerns, views, and experiences. AOI members Link to join. Free. 23 May 2023

Camberwell College of Arts remote__sensing “Illustration and AI” Free. 13 April 2023

AI/ML Media Advocacy Summit: US online event bringing together experts and creators to discuss the creative community’s response to AI/ML media generators (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning). Free. 10th March 2023

Useful AOI Resources on Copyright and Contracts

For licensing commissions AOI publishes an Illustrator Commissioner Agreement form with standard Terms and Conditions for members. You’ll find it here.

We aim to share different perspectives from within the illustration community. The linked content above represents the views and opinions of their authors, and does not necessarily represent the stance of the Association of Illustrators. 

The AOI would like to make resources accessible to all members. If you would like an alternative format please ask.


WIA2024 – Longlist Announced!
#WIA2024 - A global celebration of great illustration.
AOI Directories Listing contacts for over 300 UK Commissioners across three sectors. Buy now!
AOI members! Book your 1-1 Portfolio Consultation today!
Guide to Law & Business book
"An essential guide for all practicing illustrators" Purchase digital version today!
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