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2020 | Judges | Science & Technology
Tim Claeys is an award-winning designer and internationally recognised illustrator. Tim graduated from applied graphics at St Lukas Institute for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium, in 1988 and did a summer school with Milton Glaser at the School of Visual Arts, New York/USA, in 1995. He is based in Melbourne, Australia where he is a co-director of Coretext, a leading science publisher. As creative director Tim has designed well over 100 leading corporate publications: all confident, visually appealing, efficient, innovative and ultimately of end-user benefit. Tim enjoys Belgian sour beers, is an avid cyclist, motorcycle enthusiast and a relaxed sailor….but mostly he is commissioning value-adding illustration shedding light but also pushing a point of identity. www.coretext.com.au

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    Tim Claeys, Co-Director, CoretextTimClaeys0001