Enter NowWIA The AOI Di
2022 | Longlist + Shortlist | Children's Publishing

Why did you choose to enter this work?
I had a lot of fun creating this project and it feels like a strong summarization of everything I have learned whilst studying for my master's.

What’s your favourite thing about your shortlisted project?
I really enjoy the mix of hand-drawn and monoprinted textures and how the original stand-alone images now join together to create a whole cohesive scene.

What excites you most about being shortlisted?
Having my project represented alongside such an array of amazingly talented illustrators and the countless opportunities that being shortlisted for the award presents.

Where do you usually work?
I am about to move into a studio, but usually, on any surface big enough to make a mess!

How long did it take to complete your project?
Initially, I had a deadline of just a week to complete the stand-alone images. It was a few months later I decided to implement the non-fiction elements and take the images into a new context.

What is your dream commission?
I would love to illustrate a series of non-fiction picturebooks with lots of opportunities to explore new materials and techniques.

What’s your favourite thing to draw?
I love taking inspiration from the natural world, characterizing animals never fails to be enjoyable and I obviously love to draw birds!

What is your best tip for other illustrators?
Create bad work! keep creating and exploring illustration that is just for yourself without the pressure of having to show anyone.

What are your plans for the future?
I am about to start a year-long artist residency where I plan to further push and experiment with my illustration and continue to develop new picturebook ideas.

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Lydia Mary20210203_134544 (1)
Lydia MaryColour tests