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2024 | Longlist | Publishing
  • pronoun
  • Why did you create this work?
    I was commissioned by Reading Times Publishing to create a series of illustrations for their republication of Italo Calvino's Marcovaldo. The novel is a collection of short stories about a poor rural man, Marcovaldo, and his family living in a northern Italy city during the 60s. We would love to depict those hilarious moments happening to Marcovaldo and make the novel vivid through illustration.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    The illustrations were used in the novel Marcovaldo.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    Digital Drawing in Photoshop
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Commissioner Company
    Reading Times Publishing, Taiwan
  • Commissioner Instagram
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    Liang-Hsin Huang is a Taiwanese animator and illustrator based in London. Keen on atmospheric scenes and hand-drawn art styles, her works often depict intimacy in people’s relationships and explore places, poetry, and rhythm. She received an MA in Experimental Animation from Royal College of Art in 2019. She has experience working with magazines, music videos, and visual poems.
  • Where are you currently based?
Liang-Hsin HuangLiang-Hsin Huang_Marcovaldo_image1
Liang-Hsin HuangLiang-Hsin Huang_Marcovaldo_image2
Liang-Hsin HuangLiang-Hsin Huang_Marcovaldo_image3
Liang-Hsin HuangLiang-Hsin Huang_Marcovaldo_image4
Liang-Hsin HuangLiang-Hsin Huang_Marcovaldo_image5