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2017 | Judges | Advertising
Creative Director and Founder, The Clearing Jonathan has over 20 years experience leading the creative development for major branding projects all over the world. He and three other partners set up The Clearing in 2010. Since then they have rebranded and created award winning work for clients as diverse as Eurostar, Fitness First, the charities Breast Cancer Now and One Feeds Two, McLaren, Ascot and Ocado. Previously to this he was Executive Creative Director at Interbrand where he worked with some of the UK’s most iconic brands including Barclays, Barclaycard, Rio Tinto Waitrose, AstraZeneca,The British Library, Waterstone’s and Orient-Express. 'We are always excited by the power of a great idea, and it’s ability to transform a business. Our work at The Clearing is always built around insightful and creative strategic thinking, great ideas, writing and design. For every project we look to create clear and defendable territory for our clients brands.' theclearing.co.uk
    Jonathan HubbardJonathan Hubbard