Enter NowWIA The AOI Di
2024 | Longlist | Editorial
  • Why did you create this work?
    These illustrations show the bad behavior of some costumers at restaurants. The cover: A couple at the table, the man with bad behaviour calling the waiter while his partner feeling embarrassed. "Turning a wine bottle upside down in the cooler irritates me. If you want another, just ask" The spread: Food influencers taking photos for a long time. Diners' salting food before tasting it.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    Printed edition of The Guardian Newspaper in the UK. Digital article on their website.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Commissioner Name
    Sarah Habershon
  • Commissioner Company
    The Guardian
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    I’m Inma Hortas and INLOHO is my illustration brand. I focus on editorial and advertising illustration. I’m also a gif maker. Always #loveislove #bodypositive. Based in Spain but remotely for all over the world. Clients: Adidas, Universal Music, Clarks Originals, The Girlfriend from AARP, Los Angeles Times, Brigitte Magazine, Beer52, Cosmopolitan, HuffPost, Playbook, R29, Shopify, The Guardian...
  • Where are you currently based?

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Inma HortasInma Hortas _ The Guardian G2 How Not To Behave In A Restaurant _ Image 1
Inma HortasThe-Guardian-Inma-Hortas-illustration-editorial-chefs-hate-bad-behaviour-manners-inlohographics-HOVER
Inma HortasInma Hortas _ The Guardian G2 How Not To Behave In A Restaurant _ Image 2
Inma HortasInma Hortas _ The Guardian G2 How Not To Behave In A Restaurant _ Image 3
Inma HortasInma Hortas _ The Guardian G2 How Not To Behave In A Restaurant _ Image 4