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2021 | Longlist + Shortlist | Design Product & Packaging
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Commissioner Name
    Crazy Pedro's
  • Commissioner Company
    Crazy Pedro's
  • Who was the work commissioned for?
    Crazy Pedro's
  • Agent
    JSR Agency
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    Illustrator and designer Harrison Edwards fuses his love for retro style and digital artwork with his humor and personality, playing with bold colours and punchy textures. Comfortable across all forms of illustration, from portraiture work and pattern making to animation, Harrison welcomes all new challenges. Clients include: Blue Moon, Canon, Adobe, Eurostar, Balmain and Time Out and Tabasco.
  • Where are you currently based?
    United Kingdom
  • Where did you hear about the competition?
Harrison EdwardsHarrison Edwards_Godzilla Pizza Box_image1-01
Harrison EdwardsHarrison Edwards_Pizza Box_image2