Enter NowWIA The AOI Di
2024 | Longlist | Editorial

Preferred Pronoun?

Why did you choose to enter this work?
I started this project earlier this year to shake things up and try something completely different. It was all about pushing my own boundaries and strengthening my personal artistic style.

What’s your favourite thing about your shortlisted project?
My favourite thing about the project is the character design. I wanted these female protagonist to exude courage and vibrancy.

What excites you most about being shortlisted?
It boosts my confidence as a professional illustrator and opens doors to a wider audience and potential clients, providing new opportunities for my career as a Chinese illustrator in London.

Where do you usually work?
I usually work in my living room, where I have a dedicated workspace set up. Using my iPad and Procreate, I have precise control over my work and can meet tight deadlines.

What is your dream commission?
My current dream commission would be to create larger-scale, interactive artworks such as murals or installations.

What’s your favourite thing to draw?
My favorite thing to draw is people. I find their diversity and the way their appearances convey stories and personalities fascinating.

What is your best tip for other illustrators?
My best tip for other illustrators, though I'm not sure if I'm qualified to give advice, is to remember that consistent work is the key.

What are your plans for the future?
My future plans involve establishing myself as a freelance illustrator and breaking into the English-speaking industry, leveraging my background in Chinese illustration.

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Dorothy Luodorothyluo-profile-image
Dorothy Luodorothyluo-workinprogress-1