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2021 | Longlist | Children's Publishing
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    Andreea Chele is a self-taught illustrator living in Bucharest, Romania. She always loved math, but she studied literature afterwards - she uses both to find the most honest form of language. For the past five years, she has worked for a publishing house, which truly consolidated her experience in the publishing industry and made her aim to become a true professional.
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Andreea CheleAndreea Chele_Tangerine and the Real Flower_image1
Andreea CheleAndreea Chele_Tangerine and the Real Flower_image2
Andreea CheleAndreea Chele_Tangerine and the Real Flower_image3
Andreea CheleAndreea Chele_Tangerine and the Real Flower_image4
Andreea CheleAndreea Chele_Tangerine and the Real Flower_image5