Why did you choose to enter this work?
I loved working on this project and was happy to have a chance to share it.
What’s your favourite thing about your shortlisted project?
Violeta is a beautiful story. I really enjoyed illustrating its cover.
What excites you most about being shortlisted?
Having my work be included amongst a community of amazing illustrators and their illustrations.
Where do you usually work?
I work from my home studio in Toronto, Ontario. When creating illustrations, I work in Photoshop on the MacBook Pro and paint with the Apple Pencil on the iPad Pro through Astropad.
How long did it take to complete your project?
This project took around 2 weeks to complete.
What is your dream commission?
To illustrate something new involving current/future innovations in fashion, tech, design or to create cover artworks for films/series, magazines, albums are always somethings I’ve dreamed of doing.
What’s your favourite thing to draw?
Creating portraits within interesting spacial, natural and architectural environments is so exciting for me, though I love anything evolving illustration that could challenge me.
What is your best tip for other illustrators?
Be open to learning, there's so much to discover. Challenge yourself and take chances. Create illustrations that you have not seen before and always wanted to. Do not be afraid to fail.
What are your plans for the future?
To continue creating stories and making art. I love design and I’m very passionate about it in all of its fields. I’m excited for every new step along this journey ahead.
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