Varoom 09

Explore the April 2009 Issue


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Varoom 9

The journal of illustration and made images April 2009

This Varoom explores creative use of type, and Steve Bateman gives us examples of how artistic flair can be used alongside this misconceived media. From Cadbury’s to Channel 4, Bateman demonstrates why these influential companies are using illustrators for their most prestigious campaigns including Marian Bantjes, Mike Perry, and Grandpeople. Also featured is Alex Trochut, who has designed an beautiful exclusive wrap cover for this edition. Using a sophisticated combination of type and illustration, Alex has attracted top clients including Adidas, Topshop and the New York Times.

Varoom 9 also introduces the global design work of Peter Grundy (Grundini), based around transforming business graphs and statistics into illustrations. High profile commissioners include Eurostar, Formula One Racing and New York’s 2nd Avenue.

Stickers are part of both popular and commercial culture. They are ubiquitous. But are they worthy of serious attention? The growing underground culture of Sticker art is explored by art historian Rodney Palmer. He takes us down the South American Cone to reveal this rising art movement, which is fast spreading amongst street artists around the world.

Disney illustrator and artist Dave Wilardson is one of four artists featured in Overspray, a book that explores and celebrates the artwork popular in Hollywood in the 1970’s. Norman Hathaway highlights how this movement dominated the art scene in California and how these artists were projected to worldwide fame.

Varoom 9 also features an in depth interview with artist Sue Coe, as she enlightens Wendy Coates-Smith on the personal and political view displayed in her latest exhibition.

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