News / 7th August 2020
5 Illustration Degree Shows to (Virtually) Visit

Whether you are a commissioner looking to work with fresh talent, or just an illustration enthusiast, we recommend visiting a variety of this years online degree shows. Now is the time to celebrate, share and support the graduates of 2020. The AOI have compiled a shortlist of 5 illustration degree shows to get you started on your virtual tour (no petrol needed).

News / 5th August 2020
Reviewing Nine Years: AOI Ready to Meet the Future

After an extraordinary nine years, illustrator and educator, Roderick Mills has recently retired from the AOI Board. He reflects on 9 years of the AOI, illustration and the industry.

News / 23rd October 2018
Interactive RAF graphic novel from Middlesex University

Chocks away!  Middlesex University students have collaborated with the Royal Airforce museum at Hendon airfield to produce an online interactive graphic novel relating the history of the airfield from the early 1900’s to the present day.

News / 9th October 2017
15 Emerging Image Makers – Varoom 36 extract

varoom showcases some of the most striking image-making from the crop of 2017 art school graduates, guided by the AOI’s global network of educational institutions