WIA2024 – Longlist Category Highlights: Animation
Over the next few weeks we’ll be continuing to share our WIA2024 Longlist, showcasing some of the best talent in the illustration industry.

Today we’re spotlighting our Animation Category, platforming all things moving image.
This year our Animation Category is sponsored by Huion, the China based drawing tablet brand which provides drawing tablets, light pads, and pen displays, for beginners and professionals.
With both short form and longer form animations in this category, our new talent and professional Longlisters use their illustrations to create immersive worlds to dive into.
We’ll be sharing some of these below.

Kyuri Kim – The Door
New Talent
Created by Kyuri Kim, this vibrant animation draws on Kyuri’s own experience grappling with making difficult decisions.
Looking at the effects these choices may have and asking themselves “What kind of world awaits beyond this door?” Kyuri often explores big subjects in life, with an interest in how things connect in our world. Using frame by frame animation the piece was finalised using 3D techniques in Adobe After Effects.
Kyuri Kim is based in the US and is currently studying at Ringling College of Art and Design in Florida.
Click here to see the Full Project.
Kira Joy – Home
New Talent
This comforting illustration transports you to a safe space.
For Kira their animation depicts what “feeling at home” means to them.
With a playful use of characters and a warm colour palette the piece invites viewers into Kira’s cosy world. Created in final Cut Pro.
Kira Joy is an animator and illustrator from Germany.
Paul Sirand – L’Odyssée Fantastique
To celebrate the reopening of The Carlton Cannes hotel, after five years of refurbishing, Paul was commissioned to create this dream like animation for their winter campaign. Creating a feeling of floating into the distance as “Sails become wings in the sun”.
Despite Pauls vast experience as an illustrator, this was their first animation piece using a ‘celluloid animation’ technique.
Paul Sirand is a French Illustrator, based in Paris.
Monjajaja – Elsewhere
New Talent
Exploring relocating to a new place and the feeling of transition, Mon captures a true sense of movement with their textured animation.
Their animation was created using an experimental approach. Featuring printing techniques such as mono-printing and etching.
The piece has a really personal feel, documenting their move abroad to Kingston University and sometimes feeling like an “outsider”. This has given Mon a unique perspective and a keen eye for observation.
Mon is based between China and London, studying at Kingston University.

Iancu Barbarasa – A Flower a Day
Over the past three years Iancu drew over 500 flower ink drawings for his wife every morning, compiling these into an animation. Using a unique technique of pipettes with pigment ink, the animation highlights Iancus’s love for his wife and the importance of daily commitment.
Iancu Barbarasa is a graphic designer and illustrator based in London, UK, originally from Romania.

nfm – Moral Rift
New Talent
Created by NFM, this animation draws on ethical dilemmas that challenge our sense of right and wrong.
With an emotive, sketchy style created in Procreate and finalised in After Effects.
The vibrant colours and fast paced use of animation visualise how making these choices can bring consequences.
Nfm is an artist with roots in Sardinia, Italy.
If you enjoyed reading this curated list, be sure to keep an eye on our website, socials and sign up to our newsletter for more as our WIA2024 Longlist, is announced.
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