Looking for portfolio guidance, marketing and self-promotion to help me manage my diverse projects. Also seeking help with creating and marketing work for my illustrated novel. I can help with techniques in combining traditional and digital art as well as concept development.
Adam Martin
Hello, Im a multidisciplinary illustrator working in digital illustration, animation and ceramics. Im just here to connect with others to share and connect.
I’m a recent graduate of 2020 who is looking for advice on entering the editorial field, as well as general tips on getting my freelance illustration business started.
I want to get better resources and clients, and I want the illustrations to bring me income and let more people know me.
I’m excited about bringing more narrative into my illustrations – possibly exploring routes involving comics/zines/longer-format results. Would love insights, wisdom, ‘dos & don’ts in this area.
Also, I always feel I can learn more about effective self promotion, so any tips or help there is welcome.