Inside Illustration is a multi platform season for AOI Members focusing on a particular area of illustration for each Season.

The Illustration for Children season includes a Podcast with an award winning illustrator and children’s book art director, videos from the Creative Course for members, in-depth Article, Resource, Illustrator interview and a comprehensive ‘How To Get Into Illustration for Children‘ guide publication for those interested in entering the area based on the season theme.

Illustration for Children Season

Podcast: Children’s Picture Books

A great conversation exploring creating children’s picture books from the publisher and artist sides, with Jane Buckley, Senior Art Director of children’s books at Simon & Schuster and illustrator Chanté Timothy, hosted by Rachel Emily Taylor.

Article: Almost Anything Is Possible

Illustrators and commissioners across a range of projects aimed at children talk to Jyni Ong about storytelling, stretching creative muscles and attracting the audience. With illustrators Eva Cremers, Diane Ewen and Natasha Durley.

Resource: Illustration for Children Basics

What are the basics you need to know about illustration for children? This resource explains the various areas from animation to products, what you’ll need in your portfolio, clients, briefs and licences for commissions focused on children.

Interview: Alex T Smith ~ author illustrator

Alex T Smith talks to Greg McIndoe about about his bestselling book series Claude becoming a children’s animation for Disney, and creating fresh characters for his new animated series, The Coop Troop with Sixteen South production company: “Why play safe when you could be weird?”

Creative Practice Course ~ Children

Watch the videos from the four-session creative course with Dave Bain and guest illustrators Chanté Timothy (above), Henry St Leger, Pintachan studio and Beehive Illustration covering Children’s products, books, animation and storyboarding and publishing for education.

How to get into Illustration for Children

Get more than the basics for what you need to know to get into illustration for children. The How To covers what you need in your Portfolio; the different commissioning areas; Clients; Briefs, Deadlines and Fees plus Licensing and Contracts. With advice from agents and illustrators.

Inside Illustration motion illustration by Yukai Du