Inside Illustration Editorial – Current Affairs

A selection of AOI Members Editorial focused work responding to briefs given on the Inside Illustration Creative Course ‘Current Affairs’ sessions: ‘Social media’s effect on one’s mental health’ and ‘Precise medicine (DNA-based personalised medicine)’ – medical treatments which are tailored to individuals.

Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs personalized medicine spot illustrationInside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairspersonalized medicine spot illustrationpersonalized medicine spot illustration for Current Affairs Editorial
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Eva_Munnich_personalized_medicineInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsEva_Munnich_personalized_medicine
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Precise Medicine editorial current affairsInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsPrecise Medicine editorial current affairsPrecise Medicine editorial current affairs
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Precise medicineInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsPrecise medicinemedicine, pills, capsules, syrup, health, people, conceptual, personal style, pharma, pharmacy, receipt, Florentina Surel FolioAdvertisingHealthPeopleDigitalConceptualDigitalEditorial
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs The Medicine MachineInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsThe Medicine MachineImage created in response to a brief set by Kotryna Zukauskeite as part of the Inside Illustration: Editorial programme.

I wanted to create something fun and colourful, which considers the possibilities of precision medicine.
Hana Ayoob FolioHealthPublishingScience and TechnologyDigitalHand DrawnDoodleHand Drawn
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs the effects of social media on ones mental healthInside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairsthe effects of social media on ones mental healthThe effects of social media on one's mental health
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Linda Byrne Illustration lifestyle editorial illustrationInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsLinda Byrne Illustration lifestyle editorial illustration Linda Byrne Illustration Folio
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Editorial illustrationInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsEditorial illustrationEditorial illustration on the impact of social media on one's mental health.
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs algorithmInside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairsalgorithmpart of Inside Illustration, current affairs, social media's effect on mental health Petra Kneile FolioHealthLifestyleNaturePeopleHand DrawnInkMixed MediaWatercolourConceptualEditorialFigurativeHand Drawn
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Social Media and Mental HealthInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsSocial Media and Mental Health HealthPublishingDigitalHand PaintedWatercolourConceptualEditorialHand DrawnSurreal
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Lust For LikesInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsLust For LikesInside Illustration Session 1: Editorial: Current Affairs with Kotryna Zukauskaite Brief 1 -
“Social media’s effect on one’s mental health”
EducationalHealthLifestylePeopleMixed MediaPen and InkPencilPrintmakingAbstractConceptualEditorial
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Social media’s effects on our mental healthInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsSocial media’s effects on our mental healthIllustrating social media’s effect on one’s mental health. I chose the idea of a burdening and pressurising feeling that many people experience, even when they are not actively on their social media apps.
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs exposure to dangerous contentInside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairsexposure to dangerous contentpart of Inside Illustration, current affairs, social media's effect on mental health Petra Kneile FolioAnimalsHealthLifestylePeopleHand DrawnInkLineMixed MediaPen and InkWatercolourConceptualEditorialFigurativeHand DrawnSurreal
Inside Illustration Editorial - Current Affairs Social MediaInside Illustration Editorial - Current AffairsSocial MediaDistorted self-image, confusion, lack of concentration, low energy, suicide. Eliana Valentini DreamsInterwoven FolioScience and TechnologyWatercolourEditorial