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Public Professorial Lecture – Professor Tim Vyner
TalksIllustrator as Reporter: firsthand observations that broaden our understanding of global sporting events.
Tim Vyner is Professor of Illustration in the School of Design at Bath Spa University. He has more than 20 years’ experience working as a documentary illustrator. In this talk he will reflect on how changing industry practices – from fountain pen to iPad and beyond – have influenced the way we capture global sporting events, and consequently how the stories we tell through drawing create new perspectives raising awareness and esteem amongst marginalised groups.
In 2002 he was the PFA’s Artist at the World Cup in Japan and Korea and in 2012 he was The Times’s Artist recording the Olympic Games In London. His work also engages with sport among more disadvantaged groups – in 2018 and 2022 he reported on the FIFA and Street Child World Cups in Russia and Qatar and in October 2023 he will be part of the Street Child Cricket World Cup in Chennai.
This talk is free. Find more information and book your space here.