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LDC Production 101 for Illustrators

From our Members, Online Events, Workshops

In this seminar, LDComics show you how to take your art and make it production-ready.

Using Photoshop, learn how to scan your files, clean up your art, and the basics of colour-correction. Further, learn how to import your art into Indesign, set up your book project, and prepare your document for printing or a digital download using Indesign and Acrobat.


The event aims to answer the following questions:

– What does “bleed” mean?

– What is the difference between setting up my file for print vs. preparing an online PDF?

– What is “DPI”?

– What is the difference between “RGB” and “CYMK”?

– How can I colour-correct my image files?

– Why is my type blurry on my file?

– Why is my file size so big? And how can I reduce it?

If there’s time, we’ll give you cover design tips and Q&A.


General Admission £12. All illustrators welcome.

Find more information and book your space here.


January 28
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm




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