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AOI Events

AOI Webinar: Demystifying Illustration Contracts.

Online Events

Do you want to understand clients’ contracts and make sure they are fair to you, but aren’t always sure what they mean? Book below or via our Eventbrite.


Open for all illustrators!

Covering a range of contract types, this webinar provides you with the knowledge you need to understand contracts and increase your awareness of clauses that may not be in your favour.

Join us for this useful talk where we’ll explain common contract terms in plain language so you feel more comfortable when discussing them with your clients. The webinar will run from 12.45pm – 2.00pm GMT on 27 February.

We will take a comprehensive look across this topic, including what clients can do with your artwork (rights), what promises you are giving them (warranties and indemnities), and if you are covered if a project ends (cancellation and termination).


We’ll cover:
– Licensing, Editorial and Publishing contracts: What they are for and what the important areas of a contract are.

– Understanding what rights you are giving your client and what clauses to look out for.

– What to do if you are asked for a copyright assignment of all your rights.

This webinar will be a live online presentation through Demio, so you’ll have the opportunity to submit questions during the session. Once your ticket is purchased, make sure to follow the link in your confirmation email to register to the session (you won’t need to set a Demio account for this).

The session will be recorded and made available in a follow up email to all those who purchased a ticket. The recording will be made avaialble for two weeks after the session.

Your presenter will be Derek Brazell, Publications & Membership Manager at the AOI, who has been advising members on contracts and ethical issues for many years. He is also co-author of Becoming a Successful Illustrator and the new Getting Illustration Clients.




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