The Art is Essential campaign is a collaboration facilitated by CVAN England.

The arts and culture sector contributes £2.8 billion a year to the Treasury via taxation to the UK economy, and provides 363,700 jobs, but recent events have exposed the delicate ecology of our sector leaving it vulnerable. This campaign works to ensure that policy and decision makers are considering the real needs of our sector and sees the far reaching impact the visual arts has in our communities and the contribution it makes to our economy.

This campaign has been set up to unite creative industries as one voice. The sector needs to come together to be visible throughout 2021 and the run-up to the Government Comprehensive Spending Review to demonstrate that #ArtIsEssential.

Whether you are an artist, arts freelancer, arts educator, arts professional, venue, organisation, network or anyone in between – you can make a difference by being part of this campaign.

Find out more here

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