Alan Dunne
All Ways Home


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I had the privilege of directing and illustrating the animated short film 'All Ways Home' commissioned by University College Dublin (UCD). This project brought to life a collaborative poem crafted by school students across Ireland. The film served as a poignant celebration of the launch of EIRSAT-1, Ireland's inaugural satellite into space. The satellite was engineered by UCD students and staff.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I delved into compositions on the theme of 'home', crafting a storyboard and animatic. Using Photoshop, I produced the final artwork, incorporating scanned textures. My animations and transitions were then brought to life in After Effects, and finally I edited rendered scenes together. Phil Brookes orchestrated the stirring musical score and sound production. Jane Allen was the film's producer.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations featured throughout my short animation premiered on the eve of the satellite's launch and were subsequently shared online and through various media channels. UCD hosted a launch party, showcasing the film in a theatre. Attendees included UCD staff who curated the poem, students who contributed to writing the poem, as well as students and staff who engineered EIRSAT-1.

Commissioner Name :
Emer Beesley, Emma Loughney, and Caroline Byrne.
Commissioner Company :
Marketing and Communications, UCD College of Arts and Humanities
Commissioned for:
University College Dublin (UCD)

Social Media:

Personal Website:

I lecture part-time in Moving Image Design at the National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Dublin.

Currently Based:

Alan Dunne is an illustrator and animator from Ireland. His unique style blends digital and traditional processes. He has worked on children's and young adult publications, graphic novels, editorial pieces, advertising campaigns, postage stamps, museums, restaurants, and animated films. His work often has strong storytelling quality. He lectures part-time at NCAD, Dublin.
