Black page of history


Commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
I created this illustration for an online blog called Dział Zagraniczny. The image visually describes the article about the legacy of colonialism and rasism in modern Netherlands, as well as how the Netherlands is trying to rip out the "black page of history" (slavery) from their "golden age."

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I drew the illustration using a black ink pen, then I scanned and coloured it digitally.

How were your illustrations used:
I made the illustration to both visually describe the article and to accompany the text on Instagram and Spotify.

Commissioner Name :
Maciej Okraszewski
Commissioner Company :
Dział Zagraniczny

Social Media:

Currently Based:

My name is Weronika Zareba. I am a beginning freelance artist and illustrator. I have a BSc in Architectural Studies from the University of Strathclyde. I pursued a career in architecture for a few years after graduation, however in the summer of 2022, I decided to leave it all for the creative industry of illustration. I have been working on my own projects ever since.
