Olivia Hughes
Ted and Olive's Great Adventures

A children’s adventure book

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
This 30 page children's book is designed to positively represent physical disabilities for early years readers, simply through the visualisation of a character who has a physical disability. The book is also designed to allow young children with physical disabilities to feel represented in storytelling. This story is inspired by my relationship with my brother, who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I created this book digitally, using 'ProCreate' for a final year university brief. My colour choices and illustration style is designed to support the positive and upbeat tone and narrative which the storyline provides.

How were your illustrations used:
I wrote and illustrated ‘Ted and Olive’s Great Adventures’ during my final year of study at University of Leeds.

I wanted to create a project which supported my interests in disability visibility and the portrayal of disabled narratives within society, which are hugely important and remain largely under represented.

Social Media:

University of Leeds

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Olivia Hughes is a Cheshire based graduate Illustrator and designer who has completed a foundation diploma at Leeds Arts University and a BA degree in Graphic and Communication Design at University of Leeds. Olivia plans to continue navigating the field of children's publishing during her Children’s Literature: Children’s Book Illustration Postgraduate degree at Goldsmiths, University of London
