Eva Wünsch
Z-Bau Poster Series


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
the symbolic garden as part of the z-bau - house of contemporary culture - with its gardeners reminds us of the importance of preserving cultural open spaces and the need to protect subcultural niches and creative oases in a world that often pushes for conformity and uniformity.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I work with analog elements that I assemble and elaborate digitally.

How were your illustrations used:
my illustrations were used as posters, banners and advertising material to announce the events taking place in the garden of the z-bau.

Commissioner Name :
z-bau, house for contemporary coulture
Commissioner Company :
Z-bau, Nürnberg

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

I live in berlin and work as an illustrator and graphic designer. I am part of the studio wünsch & stömer, founded in 2022, and have been teaching illustration and conception at the design faculty in nuremberg since 2023. I work for publishing houses, cultural institutions, universities, companies, private individuals as well as trade journals and magazines.
