Bureau Alice
Panettone packaging

Christmas packaging for the italian bakery Forno Brisa

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I was asked by the italian bakery Forno Brisa from Bologna to design their Panettone christmas packaging.
Beside the incredients, the company wanted to communicate all their values on the box. So the task was to implement a colorful, flexible design concept that communicates all content in one style.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Analog sketching and Adobe Illustrator

How were your illustrations used:
Illustrations were used on the packaging

Commissioner Name :
Davide Sarti, Alice Bergomi
Commissioner Company :
Forno Brisa

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Academy U5, Munich

Currently Based:

Alice Hoffmann aka Bureau Alice is a multidisciplinary design and illustration studio. With over 15 years of expertice in the creative industry my experience ranges from campaign and concept development to packaging, corporate and fair trade design. With this background I develop illustration projects with international brands.
