Tineke Meirink
'Wij zijn even naar de verte'

Book of poetry

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
It all started out as a self initiated project. I wanted to experiment with a combination of photography and illustration in a more poetic way than I did before. I took pictures of found pebbles on found backgrounds. I then digitally added minimal illustrational elements in such a way that the pebbles transformed into all kinds of characters and objects. A pebble isn't just a pebble anymore.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Photography, pebbles, monotype, Photoshop, old books, paper and stuff.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations are pictured in a children's book of poetry called 'Wij zijn even naar de verte' (Loosely translated: 'To the far away for a while'). Every illustration is accompanied by a poem written by Erik van Os. Published June 2024.

Commissioner Company :
Querido Publishers

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Royal Academy of Art and Design, 's-Hertogenbosch (NL)

Currently Based:

Tineke Meirink is a Dutch illustrator, author and artist with a divers portfolio. She's an illustrator of over 130 children's books, works for commercial clients and is the author of two picturebooks. The most recent one ‘Zie jij wat ik zie?’ ('Do you see what I see?') got nominated for the Belgian ‘Boon’ for children's literature 2023. As an artist she regularly exhibits her work.
