Emma Chinnery
My Friend Andy

A children's picture book on the theme of friendship without boundaries and homelessness.

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I was commissioned by Little Tiger Press to create My Friend Andy for publication as a 32 page picture book after they accepted my dummy book idea for the project. I author-illustrated My Friend Andy while exploring themes of friendship without boundaries and homelessness.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I used watercolour and pencil on paper with digital editing and colouring. I used pencil and watercolour as it allows for loose line work and paint strokes to create characters and scenes that feel alive and moving on the page.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations were used in this 32 page picture book. Written from the innocence of a small dog's experience, the text never mentions homelessness but is instead focussed on a blossoming friendship between two dogs. The child reader fills in the gap between the text and image to subtly understand the characters' homelessness. The aim of this story is to encourage empathy in the child reader.

Commissioner Name :
Perry Emerson - Senior Editor at Little Tiger Press
Commissioner Company :
Little Tiger Press
Commissioned for:
Little Tiger Press

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Emma Chinnery is a British illustrator and writer living in Suffolk. Her debut author-illustrated children’s picture book My Friend Andy is published with Little Tiger Press (2024). After working as a graphic artist in London for several years, Emma followed her passion for children’s books and studied on the MA Children's Book Illustration Course at the Cambridge School of Art.
