Lisa Sheehan
Stay put, get happy


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The brief was to come up with an illustration that suggests for you to 'love your home, stay put and DIY'. I was aiming for a Cubist, Picasso-esque portrait of a house in 3D. Not your typical house illustration but a scene from the inside and utilising objects to do with DIY to suggest the face of a happy home. To have fun with the idea.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
After sketching a few options I then built the house and all the objects/details in Cinema 4D.

How were your illustrations used:
This was used on the cover of The Guardian's 'Saturday Magazine' and also online.

Commissioner Name :
Maggie Murphy
Commissioner Company :
The Guardian
Commissioned for:
The work was commissioned for The Guardian - Saturday Magazine

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Lisa Sheehan is a multidisciplinary illustrator represented by Debut Art. Her illustrations are often typographical with a pop of colour. Lisa loves to create pieces with detailed delicate forms as well as mixing 2D and 3D to create illustrations for the advertising and editorial sector. Clients include The New York Times, Saatchi & Saatchi, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, The Guardian
