Mariajo Ilustrajo
I Love Books

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I love books is my third book published and I was inspired by my younger self. When I was a kid I hated reading, what I didn't know by then is that I didn't hate reading, however I wasn't excited by the choices given at school. It was when my sisters shared with me their favourites books when they were my age that I started loving reading and imagining new places and characters.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
For this book I've used acrylic gouache, colour pencils and ink.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations were used alongside the text to create the book.

Commissioner Name :
Lucy Brownridge
Commissioner Company :
The Quarto Group

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Mariajo Ilustrajo is an award-winning Spanish illustrator based in the UK. She completed her MA in Children's Illustration from the prestigious Cambridge Anglia Ruskin course in April 2021. Her debut picture book, Flooded, won the Klaus Flugge Prize for Illustration 2023.
