Maus Baus
Dutch Welfare State

500 puzzle pieces of illustration about the Dutch welfare state.

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Packaging design, Print/poster or postcard, Product design

How did you make this work:
This puzzling illustration was drawn with pencil, and eventually came to life in Illustrator. The stork, which often is used as an icon for birth, is nurturing the poor and ill. While a plague doctor and baby devil are watching the process. My favorite part is the frog that's protected from getting eaten by the heron because of financial help. The perfect welfare state seems to be a real puzzle.

Commissioner Name :
Małgorzata Peplińska
Commissioner Company :

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Currently Based:

Maus Bullhorst creates editorial illustrations for Dutch media such as Trouw, de Volkskrant and VPRO Gids. He also sharpens his pencil for international clients like Kia, Blowhammer and The Guardian. To him, an illustration is not a literal translation from text to image, but it creates a deeper level.

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