Katy Welsh
Greetings Cards

Valentines Cards

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Print/poster or postcard, Product design

How did you make this work:
Katy designed these three valentines cards as part of a larger range for Sainsbury's Supermarket.Combining her charming character illustrations with hand-drawn type, these are sure to appeal to lovers everywhere!

Commissioner Name :
Amy Weaver and Mary Moulton.
Commissioner Company :
UK Greetings

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Katy Welsh is an illustrator who loves pattern. She is currently residing by the beach in Cornwall with her lovely girlfriend. She is an enthusiastic dancer and experimental cook but the main thing she can and does do is create illustration, animation, and pattern with gay abandon.

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