Matthew Cole
Race the Moon

"Excuse me!" Ivy said to the librarian. "Do you know how to beat the moon in a race?"

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | New Talent

How were your illustrations used? :
College or university project

How did you make this work:
This image was included in a children’s book that I am illustrating for my degree course submission. The protagonist of this story is a young girl called Ivy who journeys through a fantastical, night-time world in a race against the moon. This scene was painted in watercolour and features Ivy’s encounter with the librarians – a race of friendly bookworms.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

York St John University

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Matt Cole is an artist based in Yorkshire. Specialising in children’s book illustration, Matt’s idiosyncratic style blends traditional watercolour painting with modern, digital techniques. At the heart of his practise is a belief in the power of stories to help children negotiate the trials of growing up.

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