Teuntje Fleur

A fold-out accordion risoprinted zine

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Book Cover/s, Book inside or spot illustration/s, Whole book design

How did you make this work:
Hugo and Kris were always together. They built towers. But on one day they could no longer be together anymore. Separated they do everything they can to keep seeing each other. To achieve that, they both have to build their highest tower ever. I SEE YOU is a fold-out accordion risoprinted zine. Each towers has a small window to look through. If you fold-out the zine they can see each other.

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Teuntje Fleur is a graphic Artist from the Netherlands. Characteristic of her work is her remarkable use of colours and shapes. She sees shapes, patterns and lines in everything around her. Her work is escapist, energetic, playful, striking and multi-layered. Besides a desk Teuntje Fleur also has a RISOGRAPH in here studio, bringing her designs to life with this Japanese stencil printer.

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