Cindy Liu
Roller Coaster Rider

5 illustrations for documentary about bipolar disorder: Roller Coaster Rider


Un-commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Advertisement (online), Advertisement (print), Book inside or spot illustration/s, Magazine or newspaper cover illustration, Magazine or newspaper inside or spot illustration/s, Print/poster or postcard, Self Promotion/portfolio

How did you make this work:
Last year I have been cooperating with psychologists to help people through art. Patients want to be seen because they want to be able to see themselves. Inspired by the title of the documentary "Roller Coaster Rider", I think is a perfect metaphor for the non-stop ups and downs in bipolar disorder patients' minds. I combine the struggle and the wish to recover in my artwork.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Savannah College of Art and Design

Currently Based:
United States of America (USA)

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