Egle Plytnikaite
Packaging illustration for Siblings

Packaging illustration for winter signature scent clean candle by Siblings.

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Packaging design

How did you make this work:
I was commissioned to create an illustration that depicts the nostalgic feeling of winter skiing. I was inspired by the vintage postcards from Chamonix, France, and did my best to bring their nostalgic charm to my contemporary illustration.

Commissioner Name :
David Bronkie
Commissioner Company :

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Currently Based:

Egle Plytnikaite is a freelance illustrator and creative based in Vilnius, Lithuania. Her works are minimal, colourful and conceptually driven, often utilising subtle textures that give her work a vintage warmth whilst maintaining a contemporary aesthetic. Egle frequently works on a range of social, editorial and commercial projects for a diverse range of clients.

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