Daniel Liévano
Sounds Wild and Broken

Science & Technology

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Emergence Magazine contacted me to develop the visual interpretation of an audio story by David G. Haskell to accompany his forthcoming book, “Sounds Wild And Broken: Sonic Marvels, Evolution's Creativity, And The Crisis Of Sensory Extinction.” In the piece, Haskell brings the listener on a deep time journey through the origins and evolution of sound from the beginning of the universe.

How was the illustration used:
It is the header animation of Emergence magazine feature on the audiostory. Its pieces are also for social media and promotion.

How did you make this work:
I took references on the Biodiversity Heritage Library, recreated animals and accent elements. Developed a landscape background that evoked primal natural times. A mix of digital illustrations and collage intervention.

Commissioner Name :
Emergence Magazine
Commissioner Company :
Emergence Magazine
Commissioned for:
Emergence Magazine

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Daniel is an internationally award-winning illustrator and author based in Bogotá, Colombia. As an illustrator, his work mainly focuses on conceptual images for a selected variety of media. Among other accolades, his recent and first published graphic novel, Gravity, was awarded the Gold Medal in the Book category from The Society of Illustrators in New York.


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