Lydia Caprani
Decorative Signal Boxes

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
In a bid to tackle graffiti and vandalism, I was commissioned by Hull City Council to redesign the city’s most targeted signal control boxes by covering them in site-specific artwork. The patterned designs were sourced directly from the historic road, bringing to life forgotten decorative details. Muted colour palettes were used to stay sympathetic to the area and compliment their surroundings.

How was the illustration used:
The patterns were printed onto vinyl and wrapped around signal control boxes which had been identified as commonly targeted sites of vandalism along Hull’s historic Beverley Road. The designs introduced colourful and locally relevant public art into the area – a much needed positive boost during the pandemic - whilst also reducing unsightly vandalism.

How did you make this work:
Using my daily government-mandated walks, I location-scouted the selected area, eager eyed and with a camera in hand. I photographed things of architectural interest such as stained-glass windows, hidden mosaics, tiled doorways and intricate detailing. I sketched my favourites and those which had the promise of creating neatly repeating patterns were recreated on Adobe Illustrator for print.

Commissioner Company :
Hull City Council

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Currently Based:

Lydia Caprani is a graphic artist based in Hull, UK. Working as an artist, designer, and illustrator, Lydia works predominately in the arts and culture sector, collaborating with arts organisations to deliver community engagement and public art projects. Her site-specific murals and decorative interventions are informed by local patterns, history and stories.

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