Pierre The Maze Detective 3

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
"Pierre The Maze Detective" is a Maze picture book series always contain the unexpected "Maze" and "Hidden items" in 1 book. This is 3rd volume. In this picture book series, the audience is challenged to find a path to get out of the maze to help Pierre and Carmen finding their opponent in the Canal City, to find the Maze Egg! You can explore the story happening here page by page.

How was the illustration used:
A "Maze" and "Hidden items" book with 15 spreads.

How did you make this work:
In different pages, the audience can find different details in each maze scene based on layered stories which took IC4DESIGN for 3 years to finish. It was a very long journey to develop the idea from the rough sketch step by step to the final publications. Before drawing into each book page, we were firstly considering the entire world view of the Canal City.

Commissioner Name :
Laurence King Publishing, Nagaoka shoten
Commissioner Company :
Laurence King Publishing, Nagaoka shoten
Commissioned for:
Laurence King Publishing, Nagaoka shoten

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Currently Based:

IC4DESIGN is a production consisting of Illustration and graphic design team. Their strength is fun & detailed illustration. Their work is included in major international art projects around the globe. Their first picture book series “Pierre the Maze Detective” were published and has been translated into over 30 languages(over 33countries). Awards : Cannes Bronze, ADC Silver, etc.

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